The effortless way to manage your brand in one place
Your Brand is a platform that we built, which enables us to easily create online guideline websites for our clients, cost effectively.
We have delivered this solution for clients such as the Science Group, who have a number of companies within the group, each with their own logos, colours etc. YourBrandOnline has helped them to manage the consistency of these brands and the development of their marketing materials, as well as helped with staff training and induction.
Other happy clients include: Ross Trustees, AMS Media Group and the CIOB.
The background
During our many years working in the design industry, on numerous brands (big and small), we discovered some of the following issues with some of the brand guidelines:
- Often have errors which can take time and money to correct on live projects
- Are often out of date, and you have no way of knowing there is another version available
- Takes time to recirculate updated versions (and so often doesn’t happen)
- Can be so complex and comprehensive, it is difficult to find the information you need
- Can be so simple, you still cannot find the guidance you need
- Can be time consuming to update
- Do not work well for digital, video and social
- Do not help to clarify brand families
- Do not bring the brand to life
So we had an idea… and developed YourBrandOnline
The benefits include:
- Maintain one correct guide which can be accessed by all
- Easy to keep updating as your brand evolves
- Contain just the right amount of detail to grasp the key brand elements, with further information available to download if needed
- Can showcase best practice, video and social in a ‘live’ way
- A resource which can grow and develop, and makes brand families easy to understand and grasp
- Can be password protected
- Is flexible to accommodate different brands
- Is bespoke just for your brand.
Demographik have been our go-to-agency for a number of years. They have an uncanny ability to consistently produce imaginative solutions no matter the communications challenge. Their work has produced inspiring and compelling design, set the tone for our brand online, and ultimately increased our engagement with a 40% uplift in the duration of online users. In the time we have worked together they have displayed equal flare and thought in the production of video and printed content. What I really appreciate is their infectious dedication and an unerring ability to meet our deadlines. They are consistently great. And that is not easy.
Marsh Networks
We started working with insurance leader Marsh in 2009. We were called in to help develop the brand for three new offerings, ProBroker, Labyrinth and Connections, which were to sit under the new Marsh Networks umbrella.
Entity Group
For almost ten years, we have worked with the Entity Group, creating a new identity, two websites, and a wealth of marketing materials, supporting them through their growth and success.
CIOB Reports & Publications
Our experience working with complex information – to distill it into simple, accessible graphic representations – stood us in good stead when the CIOB asked us to work on their policy reports.
Say Hello…
Want to find out more? Then get in touch with Sandy. Click here to send her an email or call 0207 843 6959