Assuring Security Standards in Industry
Government securityIndustry Personnel Security Assurance (IPSA) is an assurance framework, developed by the Ministry of Defense, for personnel security in industry, helping in the guidance, management and aftercare of vetted staff working on behalf of the government.
The assurance scheme had been overhauled and developed, and our client in the Ministry of Defence wanted our help in packaging and launching the scheme to relevant industry organisations.
The project involved meetings with the team to understand the scheme, reviewing the structure of the scheme, then designing a key infographic to communicate the high level 7 pillars and processes that were involved. Creating relevant icons which correctly interpreted each area was important as a starting point.
This was followed by the design of two key manuals which we called the ‘Information Guide’ and the ‘How to Guide’. Each document contained a number of charts, diagrams and infographics and had to communicate the processes clearly and consistently. Once approved, these guides also needed to be fully accessible.
Having created the key information items, we turned our attention to the launch elements and produced an animated video, posters, leaflets and other marketing materials.
The result
- Umbrella styling for programme within overarching Government Security stable
- ‘At a glance’ programme overview infographic
- Two comprehensive report guides – information and ‘how to’
- Animated video with voice over outlining the programme
- Promotional materials including booklets and posters
- Accessibility work

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